Monday, February 13, 2012

Am I spending to much time with my pets?

I have`nt had a job in some time and its me and my pets at home all day long and I talk to them like they`re people and I surround myself around them. am I spending to much time with them? will they be depressed when I do get a job?Am I spending to much time with my pets?Absolutely your spending too much time with them! if you don't leave them alone for a while once a day they could get separation anxiety and totally tear up you belongings! and cry for hours! My dog and I have spent so much time together and now when I leave her alone for even 2 minutes she goes crazy. you should also teach them how to sit and stay! so they wont go crazy!Am I spending to much time with my pets?
they might be depressed.

they have gotten so used to your attention that it will be a big shock when you leave for 8 or 9 hours a day!

i would start weening them off now.

go out for a little longer each day until they get used to you being gone at a job, so it wont be scary and traumatizing for them when your real job comes along!Am I spending to much time with my pets?I'd try not to spend so much time with them that it'll be a significant difference when you get a job, if they're used to as much attention as they're getting now. But it depends on the species; some get more attached to humans than others. You should make sure they have some way to be comfortable and entertained, like toys or music, when you're not there.Am I spending to much time with my pets?
i dont believe thers a such thing as spending too much time with your pets. its a lovely thing that you can take the time and actually spend the whole day with them. not many pets have the privilege of this kind of wanted company. when you go to work, i think they'll be ok, since you have more than one of them, but surely they will miss your company. but it will be ok [=Am I spending to much time with my pets?no, not at all! if you spend too much time with your pets,

then they will be bored and they need some independent time alone. they will not get depressed at all! you cant let them get used to you spending too much time with them because they will get used to it.
they should be ok since you have more than one.

i only have one and she gives me the big puppy eyes when i have to leave but seems to do ok without me here.Am I spending to much time with my pets?
They'll be fine. It may take them a little while to get used to it, but they'll be really happy when you come home every day.
They might be a tad depressed when you get a job, but they will get over it eventually. My dog did, and I only have one.Am I spending to much time with my pets?
I think it's just fine. Animals need attention.
  • pearson prentice hall
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