Monday, February 20, 2012

Would you say it is cruel to keep reptiles/birds as pets?

Do you think they should stay in the wild? Is it cruel to take them away from their natural environment?

Or Is it a good thing to keep them as pets to protect them in your care, away from the predators or danger that they would encounter in the wild?

After all at least as a pet they would always have food, rather than go without as they would have to in the wild if they couldn't hunt or find any.

And as a pet they would get that extra something - love.

What are your views?Would you say it is cruel to keep reptiles/birds as pets?A lot of birds and reptiels come from a pet store and those animals are not use to taking care of themselves at all, if you threw them outside they would die. So for the ones who are breed to be pets then no its not cruel. But if you where to go outside and take a bird or mouse and try to keep as a pet then yes that is very cruel. I work for an animal hospital and some of these animals could not make it on their own ever. I use to have 4 cockatiel birds and we would let them fly around the house sometimes and most people with big birds like Mcaws and pariots let them sit outside of their cages on perches and they love just to do that. So not its not cruel as long as they where breeded to be pets.Would you say it is cruel to keep reptiles/birds as pets?
I think it is cruel, I hate to see birds in cage.,Better to be free and take your chance as nature intended.Would you say it is cruel to keep reptiles/birds as pets?I think its cruel to keep anything in a cage especially birds. They should be free to fly! How would you like it if someone kept you in a cage? ya wouldnt, would ya?

:( sorry! :(Would you say it is cruel to keep reptiles/birds as pets?
If the animal originated from the "wild", then it should be returned to the "wild". It is cruel to keep a truly "wild" animal as a pet - and it is against the law in most places.

However, if the animal has been breed by a responsible breeder, then the animal will be a wonderful pet. Turning loose this type of animal would be cruel, as it does not know how to "fend" for itself.

Regards, SuzieQWould you say it is cruel to keep reptiles/birds as pets?i don`t think it is cruel,just not right to have a living thing caged up.. same as people that get big dogs and chain them to a post on a short chain !!!! not right at all....
not if you treat them right and take very good care of them and provide them with all their needs.then that makes them healthy and happy.Would you say it is cruel to keep reptiles/birds as pets?
i think they should be left alone in the wild. i believe that they have the ability to protect themselves from their natural environment's harshness and the predators that they would come across. if however, the species become extinct because of this, then maybe that's what mother nature wants. we shouldn't interfere with them directly. as for love, leaving them alone and not hunting them to keep as pets is the form of love we should be giving them.
ok, here's my slant on this.

I'm a zookeeper. I work with birds.

Firstly, almost all pets you buy are bred in this or other European countries. They have never seen "the wild". Nowadays, it is illegal to take animals from "the wild".

Secondly, you must understand why birds fly. Birds do not fly for the thrill of flying, or for the sheer enjoyment of being free. They fly because they have to. It takes a lot of energy to fly, and birds would rather not do it if they didn't have to.

So, keeping a bird in a cage is not cruel. As long as it is cared for, has plenty of food and water, and some stimulation, then it is quite happy to sit on a perch and not fly. Boredom is a higher intelligence phenomenon. Most birds do not get bored, and will just sit happily sit still when there is nothing to do.Would you say it is cruel to keep reptiles/birds as pets?
i would say that YES.

No animal belongs in a cage.
i think that it's enough having domesticated animals as pet...we..human should not do more damage to this environment by trying to domesticate reptiles and birds just for companion.

they should stay in the's ok if their are eaten and hunt by's very natural.

%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;After all at least as a pet they would always have food, rather than go without as they would have to in the wild if they couldn't hunt or find any.%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

do you think that animals are stupid? only wild animals that are tamed since they are young are stupid and unable to find food on their own. so WILD ANIMALS ARE BETTER OFF BEING WILD.

as pet they get love??? this 'love' is not eternal...mabye you will..but most people treat pets like properties when they are old and sick they are dump...and that's what happen to the burmese phython in everglades. burmese phython was a very popular pet back a few years and when they grew too big for an affordable home....owners threw them away in or near the know what happen? it put the everglades crocs in danger..the crocs eat the phython and then the phython burst the crocs belly...

how old are u anyway? your opinion about domesticating wild animals as pets is.....i don't like it...and yes..i am agaist it...

so..get a dog or a cat...or better
no, they are probably safer in your home than in the wild.
yes they are wild animals not pets
All animals, including us, have inbuilt needs which have to be met if we are to be content.

Any territory/cage makes an animal content as long as it contains all the basic needs. A cage can be barren, or ideal for the species.

Baby animals adapt better to capture as a rule, adults don't tend to deal with it and so make poor pets as they stay wild and afraid of people. The constant stress of human contact can shorten their lives.

But I don't agree that its ok to take animals from the wild and breed them for pets. Most of them end up in less than ideal homes. Few owners make ideal owners. Most pets survive in less than ideal conditions.

I have no objections to zoos like the Jersey Wildlife Trust taking animals as a breeding group. They do their homework before they start with a new species. And they also make reserves so there is some wild to put the animals back into.

Keeping endangered species as pets is appalling, they should be kept in ideal reserves.

Keeping exotics is beyond the ability of most owners, and I don't believe they lead fulfilling lives, 'safe' or not.

Stick to insects or common, easy to keep species.
most of the animals in pet stores and the ones being distributed are captive breed and have never stepped foot in the wild. yes in the begining it was cruel but these birds and reptiles have been breed in captivity for years, if you take one home study the country first and replicate that habitat.
To the animals or the ones that end up cleaning up the poop?
All animals have a role to play in the nature, taking them out of there is ruining the natural balance of the places that they are from, and making them be something that they are not supposed too be. Sharks belong in the oceans, not in th expensive aquariums, snakes belong in their natural habitats, not in the glass cages. It all comes down to men claiming that is better for them to be captured so they can be saved, where it is really just justifying our bad doings and poor care for nature. But if we really wish to save them, we should start with less pollution, less damage to our environment, much more recycling, less consumption of natural goods. That is what animals need, and after all that is what humans need too.
Keeping reptiles as pets is not cruel if you have done your homework, where they come from is... captive bred pets are ok but many reptiles are still taken from the wild. If you love reptiles only purchase them from an approved supplier who can show documentation to prove the pet you are purchasing has been bred in captivity otherwise you are funding the extinction of the animals you love.
I own a Ducorps Cockatoo. He and I share the same love that you would find with a cat, dog, or other domestic animal. He's got a nice size cage, but spends the majority of his time out of it. When I am home, his door gets opened and he's out. He doesn't cruise around the house, although he is free to do so. Whenever I put on my fuzzy robe, he thinks it's snuggle time - which he gets plenty of! I think both of our lives are better with each other in it. There's a difference between having a pet that you interact with and something that's just a showpiece not to be touched. A Ducorps is a very rare, expensive bird. But to me, he's just Beaker.
My canaries have voted!

They say they prefer having food, water, treats and warmth over their counterparts who are freezing their tail feathers off out there!! ;-)
i think its fine as long as you can provide the right care and environment, make it as similar to the wild as you can. Otherwise don't bother its cruel
Yes, I do think so! It's better to leave them in the wild, in their natural habitat. They get Love there, but not in the way humans could imagine.
no thats why they have them in pet stores

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