Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm looking for people to help me start an animal evacuation program to evacuate pets and their owners?

I want to evacute pets and their owners before and after disasters to prevent traumatizing the animals and to help communities with elderly, handicap, or those that just cant afford to evacuate, this service will be free to the ones evacuated so it will depend on donations and sponsors, if you knbow anyone that maybe able to help me please let me know thank youI'm looking for people to help me start an animal evacuation program to evacuate pets and their owners?I actually sat in on a lecture on this topic at a veterinary conference earlier this spring. The organization of animal evacuation is a huge undertaking, and the underlining point that the vet speaking about it made was that these evacuation programs are supposed to be organized on a local level. Needs and resources will vary from place to place, and it is best to tailor your program around your community. If I were you, I would begin with your county goverment offices who deal with animal welfare. If they do not already have something in the works, then you can maybe be the catalyst that starts a program for your area by coordinating and organizing potential needs with possible temporary care facilities (local vets, humane societies, kennels).

As for the people, I think that is definitely a massive undertaking. The best thing you could do for owners is to place their animals out of harms way if they are unable to accommodate them in their own evacuation programs. To that end, you will need a very thorough animal and owner identification system so you don't end up with lost pets!

In any case, your plan will take lots of time and require lots of help...but most areas are unprepared and the need is definitely there for such a program.

Best of luck!I'm looking for people to help me start an animal evacuation program to evacuate pets and their owners?If you live in the US, these sites may be of interest to you, and give you some of the info you need:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

This is a very big problem, especially in a large-scale natural disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina. I hope that you are able to develop a program, or an organization, to help.

Good luck!I'm looking for people to help me start an animal evacuation program to evacuate pets and their owners?That sounds like a huge project ? Do you plan to travel to the Evacuation site, or have groups set up all over N. America?

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