mine is my teacup kitten, horses, cockatiels, fish,siamese cat,hermet crabs, finches, collie, and cocker spaniels. Well, basically all my pets. =)What is your favorite pet or pets that you have?My black lab.....his name is Boscoe....I love him to death, he'll be three this Christmas!!
Thanks for letting us give a shout out for our pets!!What is your favorite pet or pets that you have?
A big, red c o c kWhat is your favorite pet or pets that you have?My favourite pet is a dog. He is faithful and does not judge you
I call him ImaginationWhat is your favorite pet or pets that you have?
Mine is Duke, my 2 yr old White English bulldog.What is your favorite pet or pets that you have?my tortoise shell cat, lily
and my mutt dog, chance
and my brother's african spur-thigh tortoise, mr.tortoise (my brother named him)
All of my animals are my favorite! My 7 year old Persian named Precious, my 1 year old domestic white hair with light blue eyes named Cody, my 14 week old black Lab puppy named Kya, and even my 20 fish.What is your favorite pet or pets that you have?
My favorite pet is my peach faced love bird, his name is prettybird. He is a delight. He does so many amazing things and brightens our days.
i would have to say my altime most favoret animal i have right now is my dog sammy !she is so sweet i love her to death ! then comes my turtle turdly he is the most adorible thing ever . than all 15 of my fish (although they kinda freak me out).gosh i love animalsWhat is your favorite pet or pets that you have?
I like my bird and cat.
______l _ o__o l_____
All of my pets. I have a Shih-Tzu named Barney, a mixed chow named Leo , a Eskimo Spitz named Buster , and 3 parakeets [ Trixie, Andi %26amp; pretty blue boy].
i could never choose between any of my pets i love them all equally
My favorite is one of my goats Lily. I am a farmer and have tons of animals of all kinds, but she is my favorite, always walking with me wherever I go.
My 120lb Rottie... His name is Simba and he is big and cuddley.
Definitely my two green tree pythons. Not only are they pretty, but they are an instant conversation piece because they are so uncommon.
My Boxer "Wallie" and my Parakeet "Boyd".....but in general I like all pets.
My favorite is my yellow Labrador Retriever, Tritan. I love all my animals, my horses, my other dog Remy, my guinea pig and hamaster. But I am really close with Tritan, probally because he has been my best friend through alot, and my youngest brother got him for me right before he past away. But he is my baby and there is nothing I owuld not do for him.
My favorite pet is a human. LOL! I have a human that takes really good care of me. They feed me, pet me, brush me, take me outside for a walk and cuddle me. I love my human pet. When my human pet is being good, I cuddle and lick my human friend's hand. A human pet is the best pet a rabbit could have.
We have 2 pugs and they are our cuddle bunnies.
I love all dogs. smaller breed only becuase of lack of space , i beleive bigger breed dogs should have places to run. I love fish too
i love my pet his name is jojo.he is an iguana.hes not very frienly but hes cute.
I own 2 huskies and once did own 3 rottweilers, and yeah my favorite animals are horses, dogs and killer whales
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