My son is eight and takes great pride in caring for his little hamsters and feeding his fish. It has taught him a lot of skills that he will carry with him all of his life. He cares for and nurtures those little hamsters like they are made out of glass. This is a very rough and tumble kid. To see those qualities being imparted into his character is a special gift.
I am glad to pay the price of food and supplies for all the life lessons not to mention unconditional love we get from our furry and finned friends.
EDIT: I weep for the cynical cold heart beating in your chest, Animal Hater Rachel. To those unfortunate souls that try to share a part of themselves with you, those pictures are like children to some and your reaction is shallow and uncaring!! Get over yourself, you little snot!Why do humans keep unhelpful animals as pets ?
they enjoy watching them.....long stories...usually someone else in the family brought the pet home and now im the one taking care of them..Why do humans keep unhelpful animals as pets ?Hrm.
I think it has been proven any pet is not unhelpful, most pets improve mental condition, and emotional state.
Take away all the pets, and I bet you people would be a whole lot more bitchy.Why do humans keep unhelpful animals as pets ?
we were raised by wolvesWhy do humans keep unhelpful animals as pets ?Cuz they are cute and pretty. But you have a point.
Because helpful pets are generally eaten and in the USA we don't need to eat everything we raise since there is no shortage of food.Why do humans keep unhelpful animals as pets ?
I think you suffer from a narrow definition of helpful, does a gerbil have to be a seeing eye gerbil to justify its existence? A small animal is useful if it provides a child (or and adult) with a dependent of its own to care for and nurture, and increases empathy for animals in general, whether in captivity or in the wild.
My "small unhelpful pets" help keep me sane. When I'm tired and stressed out, they cuddle with me. When I'm sad or lonely, they make me laugh. When I just want to stay in bed and forget about going to work or doing chores, they remind me that it's not just me depending on me doing what I need to do, it's them as well.
In short, they keep me out of therapy and off the happy pills. That, to me, is more than worth the price of feeding them.Why do humans keep unhelpful animals as pets ?
The pets are not "unhelpful". It is documented that pets can help reduce high blood pressure and aid with mental afflictions such as anxiety and depression. People keep them because the pets give them pleasure.
If people can afford to feed their pets, what concern is it of anyone elses what they choose for pets, and why they have them? It's not costing you any money for me to have my small pets. They may not be 'helpful' in the way you think , but they keep me happy, and I find that very helpful.
Pets don't have hands, they need people to feed them, and clean up after them. They return the favor by letting us feel loved, and if nothing else they give us justification for our existance. I would rather be processed as dog food before I completely lose my mind or spend many years drooling in a wheelchair.
Research studies indicate that petting a dog reduces blood pressure and anxiety in some people. Also, elderly people who haven't much else to look forward to often bond with their pets.
You presume if you think dogs/cats (in particular) are not helpful.
I am not much of a cat person, but I can tell you that my dog is not judgmental. He wakes up every morning in a fantastic mood, is thrilled to jump onto the bed for cuddles, loves me unconditionally, can't wait for me to get home from work, would give up his life to protect me and yet I cannot think of a single human being who is similarly minded.
Therefore, what is not helpful about dogs?
It is our duty as humans to care for animals. We are doing a HORRIBLY job of that as a whole. But, as individuals, we can do our part by caring for critters the best we can and feel comfort in knowing that we gave their little lives happiness. They give us untold benefits that cannot be repaid. I am glad that we are giving our 4 chinchillas a good life instead of them being ripped to shreds by rich heartless trolls who want to wear them on their backs.
Animals are a wonderful gift.
Why feed criminals who wronged the society and ruined peoples lives?
I like my unhelpful pets; they're cute and I've got more than enough to eat, so why not?
I would never want to clean up hair or whatever else from a animal. That seems like a huge boring responsibility to go home early, and vets, etc. I loved my dog growing upi but did'nt have to take care of it. That's not really an anwser to your question and I really dislike when people show me pictures of their cat/dog. Um I am 30 I have seen cats and dogs before please keep them to yourselve.
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