Monday, February 20, 2012

What causes separation anxiety in pets?

I used to have a Golden Ret. that would freak out wheneverI left her, but I heard that was common for her breed. Now I have a kitten that follows me around the house and crys when I leave. If I set somewhere he has to be in my lap, and if I get up he follows me and then plops down again wherever I go. Even when I go to the bathroom he has to be in my lap.

Do my pets think I am their mommies?What causes separation anxiety in pets?Not necessarily their mommy's but their security blanket.They trust you to take care of them and when you are out of their sight they get nervous and upset.They also don't like change.Recently my daughter moved out of our house and took her 2 year old orange tabby with her.She let it out side last night and it showed up at our house today.She took it home and low and behold it is back.She lives 18 Miles from us and it only took the cat an hour to get here the second time because it knew the way,how it found us the first time is amazing.I guess the kitty will stay here as it is unsafe for it to be traveling on foot across the interstate.What causes separation anxiety in pets?There are several things that can cause separation anxiety in pets:

one is separation from their mothers at too young of an age, one reason to never wean an animal before the proper age

another cause is past abuse or neglect-you find this often with shelter animals that have been rescued from their past owners or found on the street after being abandoned

-there are other causes however these are the ones I'm most familiar withWhat causes separation anxiety in pets?of course your pets do you have taken care of them given them attention and spoiled them. lol so say if there real mom left the room wouldn't they follow? so yes they definently think that your mommieWhat causes separation anxiety in pets?
Instinct. If you are very young and left alone without your pack or other family members around to protect you, you may be eaten by something in the wild! It takes time for babies to realize they are safe. We can make things worse by not training them correctly. They need to be taught how to be alone and quiet.

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