Sunday, February 26, 2012

Whats the benefits of getting my pets neutered?

i have two dogs and want to know the benefits of getting my pets nuetered, anything bad about it? medical condtions?Whats the benefits of getting my pets neutered?I don't necessarily believe you should always neuter. First off, saying that you want your dog neutered so he wont get testicular cancer is like saying Im going to have my breasts removed to prevent breast cancer.

I keep my dog intact but I am responsible and don't let him be loose with female dogs that are in heat. He is very well behaved, not aggressive, even with other intact males because I have worked with him lot. By the way, just because you keep him intact doesn't make you a breeder.

On the other hand, if you want to prevent accidents or if you feel uncomfortable having an intact dog, neuter. If you are going to neuter wait until your dog is fully matured so he will have some male hormones in his body. People don't think about the fact that dogs will suffer from hormonal imbalances just a woman will after that type of surgery, only we don't provide hormones to the dogs after surgery.

If you decide not to neuter, please be responsible.Whats the benefits of getting my pets neutered?The most obvious one, so your dog don't knock up other dogs. You help prevent unwanted puppies and that's the best reason.

Also I believe there are medical and behavioral benefiots too such as less chance of having certain diseases, live longer, less likely to mark, less dominant, less aggressive, less hyper etc.Whats the benefits of getting my pets neutered?If you are not going to be breeding your dog, you should have him neutered. Neutering male dogs ultimately makes them calmer and less dominant. They will be less likely to mark objects when urinating. Without their testicles, there will be no concern for testicular cancer, and they will have a healthier prostate. This isn't all that important, but neutering dogs makes their urine less stinky.

Not neutering your dog can cause him serious harm. If you aren't planning on using him for breeding, and you leave him intact, you are putting him at risk for a shorter life, and a list of medical conditions.Whats the benefits of getting my pets neutered?

Limits aggression

Limits domination tendencies

Prevents testicular cancer

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