Monday, February 13, 2012

Why SHOULD students be allowed to bring their pets to school?

Why SHOULD students be allowed to bring their pets to school?

I'm just curious, of why they should be allowed to be brought to school.Why SHOULD students be allowed to bring their pets to school?If they are blind and need a seeing eye dog. If a parent or sibling has just passed away and their pet is a coping mechanism. There is a program I have read about where a student can take a puppy to school and everywhere they go to train the dog and the dog is later put in a home with an elderly person in need of assistance or company.Why SHOULD students be allowed to bring their pets to school?
They should be allowed to bring their pets to school only on a preagreed bring-your-pet-to-school day. The problem with bringing pets to school is that not only are some kids allergic to cats and dogs, but it is a significant distraction from their formal education.Why SHOULD students be allowed to bring their pets to school?Pets teach children responsibility. If there were a segment of the school day set aside for caring for the pets, the children would learn the responsibility to care for others.

Pets are also a morale booster. Some offices even have an office pet for this reason.Why SHOULD students be allowed to bring their pets to school?
well when i was in 3rd grade we had show and tell and our parents could bring them for a short amount of time but they had to take them home so the next animal can come in but i don't think they should they cause distractionWhy SHOULD students be allowed to bring their pets to school?i think they should be allowed to bring pets to school.I would think that grades would improve on some students.They let pets in the hospital in some cases and it brings morale and confidence
They shouldn't be allowed. Kids don't know how to clean up after the animals. Adults barely do...even when the apartment/housing complex provide easy to use animal sanitation systems around areas with grass!Why SHOULD students be allowed to bring their pets to school?
Well they shouldn't

and at every school I have attended

you are not allowed to

there are other students and teachers with allergies to consider
I can't think of any reasons except if the student has one of those seeingeye dogs.

If they could, so many of the bad egg students would tourture those animals.Why SHOULD students be allowed to bring their pets to school?
I think it is neat to bring in a pet because u can show others more about u and show them all the diff varietys of pets!
I can think of only one answer, some kind of show %26amp; tell thing. Otherwise it would be stupid to introduce ONE more distraction to a learning environment..
well i dont think they should lol

but if you are doing a report or something uhhhh...... a pet can be your best friend!!!!

Lol, they shouldent be aloud. They distract from the learning involved with school. Although i wish i could take my dog to school that would be cool!

From Tony at:
when i lay with my dog he makes me feel comfortable and just having him there helps me focus because..... i dunno he just does. i read him my essays all the time and he doesnt criticize. :)
They shouldn't be allowed to bring their pets to school...
Show and Tell..
Well because they are cool... lol
so people and the animals will be injured

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