Monday, February 13, 2012

What other pets can you can get what are like Hamsters or Ferrets?

Im wondering. Is there any other pets like Hamsters or ferrets what are really Fun?

Thanks =D!What other pets can you can get what are like Hamsters or Ferrets?I like Guinea Pigs.

They are bigger than a hamster %26amp; can be held %26amp; petted.

They do not have the natural odor that a ferret has.

You can get long or short haired ones.

If treated right, they are docile %26amp; don't bite.

They are common enough that they are not as expensive as the more exotic little mammals. (Rabbits, ferrets, chinchillas, etc.)

Feed %26amp; supplies are not as specific so this decreases initial cost for set up.What other pets can you can get what are like Hamsters or Ferrets?
chinchillas are really fun and cute. they dont bite often and instead of bathing they role in this dust to clean themselves and its soooo cute! my friend has 2. they also live longer. needs a bigger cage but thats about it. and i beleive there is a specific food for them but there really sweet. better than any old hamster or ferret :DWhat other pets can you can get what are like Hamsters or Ferrets?A bunny. Bunnies are fun to play with and they don't cost that much. BUT, they do stink like any other animal. You have to clean their cage every 3 days or so if you don't want them to stink. Bunnies don't bite but they are very territorial. All you need for them is a cage,food,water and if you want you can buy them a treat [[You don't have to though]]What other pets can you can get what are like Hamsters or Ferrets?
bunnies!!!!!What other pets can you can get what are like Hamsters or Ferrets?Gerbil



Guinea Pig

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