(Sorry for the length please share you opinion answer whatever you feel most comfortable with.)Do we have the right to abuse personal property particularly pets?Living creatures are not in the same class as inanimate objects. There are definitely laws to protect the abuse and suffering of animals, as well as any living creature that has been shown to feel pain and emotional distress.
Unborn children as well are not allowed to be abused or mistreated. They take children away from mothers who do drugs when it is born, and any assault on a pregnant woman resulting in loss of the child is grounds for prosecution of manslaughter.
Like any and all laws these are abused and people get away with it every day but no, they are not considered personal property except in a good amount of pet custody hearings wherein if you paid for the animal in question you make keep it as long as there is no amount of abuse or neglect.Do we have the right to abuse personal property particularly pets?Wow, um babies and pets should not be abused. You should also never be around eitherDo we have the right to abuse personal property particularly pets?To the liberal, unborn babies are property, as you rightly point out and can be dismembered limb from limb, but a puppy, well a puppy has much more value. They deserve protection.Do we have the right to abuse personal property particularly pets?
In the eyes of the law pets are considered personal property. This means for instance that if someone is responsible for the loss of your pet and you were to sue them and win you could only recover the actual amount the dog was worth. You cannot recover compensatory damages like pain and suffering any more than you could get pain and suffering if someone destroyed your couch.
However, there are laws in place prohibiting cruelty to animals.
Pets and unborn children do not fall under the same category in the eyes of the law.
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