Thursday, February 16, 2012

Did you love your pets less after having a baby?

I sometimes read or hear about people that loved their pets less after their baby was born. I can't imagine that happening to me. I love my furry little guys so much! I can't imagine that ever changing.Did you love your pets less after having a baby?i was the biggest animal lover ever

but after i had ellie, my priorities changed. the animals were just animals and ellie was my daughter

i still love animals

but i love ellie so much moreDid you love your pets less after having a baby?
Make sure you acknowledge them and let them know that they are loved too. They won't understand the concept and responsibilities that come with a new baby. So, you will have to work equally as hard to keep them happy too.Did you love your pets less after having a baby?I guess in a sense that our son's needs come before theirs but I think I still love them the same. I mean, we still give them tons of love and attention and we've kept them.

I don't get the people that say they can't "deal" with having a pet and a baby, especially without giving it a chance first. It's not that difficult.Did you love your pets less after having a baby?
I still love my pets as much, I just don't have the time to spend with them, like I used too, I think they feel kind of neglected and I feel bad.Did you love your pets less after having a baby?you won't love them less. your priorities will change. just be sure to take care of your pets and show them consistency and attention when the baby comes home.
No, cause when we had our first son we had dogs %26amp; I am not a real "dog person". Hubby got rid of the dogs. Fast forward 8 years %26amp; we now have 4 kids %26amp; decided we would get them a dog. I was no for it at all, but wanted hubby %26amp; the kids to get what they wanted... I'll be darned if I didn't get attached almost immediately. The1st 2 days were strange, but after that she was by my side constantly LOL. It was short lived though, when we introduced her to our 4 month old he had an allergic reaction to JoJo. It was either our son or the dog LOL j/k. She had to go. Even though I got attached I could never ever love anyone or anything like I love my children %26amp; husband... ever.Did you love your pets less after having a baby?
I would never say that I love my cat less now, but there was definitely a period when my son was brand new (we had two cats at the time, our old cat passed away when our son was four months) when two cats + one newborn baby = Too Many Creatures Needing Something From Me Right Now.

My cat was my baby before I had my baby and he still is, in many ways. But of course now I have my real baby and I think my cat knows he's been displaced a bit. I still love him just as much though.
Some pets get so jealous you end up giving them up. I swear my X sister in law's cat tried to kill their new born. Scratch the junk out of the babies face, and tried to suffocate the boy. They gave it to a friend.Did you love your pets less after having a baby?
Not at all. I love my golden retriever more! He has helped me so much, I know that sounds weird but he is always there to talk to lol...Seriously though, sometimes it's nice to just vent...My baby is in the NICU so it is nice to have something to cuddle with during the rough nights!
don't love my spock any less, just don't have as much time as before :(
I never thought it would happen to me. I used to let my cat eat out of my dish with me.

I can't stand him now. He isn't even allowed in the house anymore when my kids are up because he scratched both of my twins for NO REASON. At first I thought they might have been teasing him but I saw that he in fact was stalking and attacking them the little bastard.

I hate him.

The rest of the cats I am not really a huge fan of anymore. He kind of made me dislike all cats. I only haven't gotten rid of him because I don't think he deserves to die and he likes to spend time outside anyway.
I can't say that I love my cat any less, but my priorities have definitely changed. I feel so bad sometimes that I can't give her as much attention as I used to. Thank God for my husband who has been great and still spoils her. Some days are really rough though. She will follow me around, and my baby is very colicky so it's really hard for me to divide my attention. I know that my cat is sometimes unhappy with the sudden change since she was our one and only baby before lol. I'm positive that things will change. Soon she will be running away after the baby will be giving her too much attention lol. I don't think that people after babies love their animals any less, it's just that the lack of time and stress sometimes affects that relationship that you used to have. As long as the pets are reassured that they still matter and precautions are taken to make the adjustment as stress free as possible it should be ok, and things will go settle into a new routine.
pets deserve a loving home. maybe they should give them to someone else if they feel that way for the sake of the animal. they obviously didn't really love their pets truly if that's the case.

i would love to have a dog again, but i don't feel that it would be fair as i am having a baby soon. dogs are very time consuming but babies even more so. i wouldn't want my dog feeling neglected because i couldn't give it the attention that it needed.

people underestiamate the importance of animals and their feelings and often do see a pet for the responsiblity that it really is.
no I love our dogs just as much. it is really good watching the dogs form their own relationship with our daughter makes me wish I had a dog growing up they come and say good morning to her every morning as they will not leave you alone until they are acknowledged, she thinks they are great and when she is bored with her toys we have a floor session with the dogs they are good entertainment. I feel so sorry for the dogs who get booted outside when people start a family.
NO WAY!!!! My husband and I bought an English Bulldog in January 2008, and we got pregnant with my daughter in March 2008. We LOVE our bulldog! He was our "practice baby" before our daughter was born. He is the most love-able big lug I have ever seen! After my daughter was born we were sooo surprised how good he was with her!! He never tries to jump on her, lick her (only licks her when she tries to lick him! haha). He lays on the floor while she fulls on his wrinkly face and just takes the beating! We still play with him just as much as we did before we had my daughter, and love him even more! How can somebody not love their pet after a baby??? Ah I can't imagine that ever happening!!
it sucks because i am soooo in love with my pup but she had to stay at my moms for a while when the baby first came home. you gotta be smart...even though shes a part of my family, shes still an animal..a BIG ANIMAL :) and my son was only 8 lbs.
Before my DD was born my little chihuahua mix was my baby- I took him everywhere, he even followed me into the shower! I loved that little guy like he WAS a baby. He was the subject of Christmas cards, even.. complete with Santa hat. After baby was born- I felt terrible that he wouldn't get as much attention- but find it's easy to include him when playing with baby, who is now 4 months. When I talk baby talk to my daughter- he thinks I'm talking to him- so it works. =0)

He, for the most part, avoids her now that she is grabbing on to things! I do find that I take him places less- but only because it's impossible to carry the baby carrier and his carrier down 2 flights of steps! Your pets will adjust to the new baby and will figure out the new pecking order.

I must say, though.. I use to thing my dog was the cutest thing alive- but not anymore!

You're priorities will change- but you won't love your animals less.
My pets were always my priority- I dont love them any less now but they are not my priority over the baby... Also, I find myself less tolorent with the animals at certain times. I still love them though.
So far NO WAY!

I am 8 months pregnant and my daughter is not here yet. Before I got pregnant our Dog buddy was our baby and we spoiled him rotten!!

We still love our dog but we have shifted some of the attention from him to "getting baby ready".. We love our dog but also know that our Human baby will come first. Sure buddy won't get as much time with us but we will still love him.
i am a huge animal lover as well.... before baby we have (and still do) 3 dogs, 3 snakes and a lizard.

now that the baby is born i dont love them any less, but it is alot harder to spend quality time with them like i used to.
No i didn't. I still love them all very much i even has some crazy ones lol. I got to be a stay at home mommy so i have time to spend with everyone and my husband helps with the baby so i can walk the dogs. The only thing that changed was the cats now stay outside for the most part but they love it out there so every ones happy.
Well I am not a parent yet but I will be ttc soon, I have two girl dogs, two rats, and 3 aquariums, I will not change how I feel towards my fur-babies! I'm a Pet Nutrition Specialist and in school to be a vet tech so my animals will get attention even after I have children, and I agree with the response that said they're practice babies, my girls get dressed up, tear up things, and went through teething , and I still love them very much!

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