Monday, February 13, 2012

How many pets do you have, and what are their names?

I have 2 pets. My dog's name is Shadow, and my cat's name is Abbott. My sister has 3 fish. Nemo, Gill, and Bubbles.

Just curious...How many pets do you have, and what are their names?1 dog named Annie and 1 hamster named Clyde.How many pets do you have, and what are their names?




AmyHow many pets do you have, and what are their names?A lhasa apso named tashi a cat named calley the wonder cat who is 15 years old and a sold white cat named casper, we had a fish it died,How many pets do you have, and what are their names?
1 dog, TysonHow many pets do you have, and what are their names?In the house one dog named Piper, two cats named Buttons and Bows, and one bird named Stubby. Out in the barn one pig named Homer, one duck named Rhoda, three goats named Bugs, Butch, and Spike, two sheep named Tess and Will, six donkeys named Echo, Timber, Pooh, Carla, Reno, and Bullfrog, two ponies named Tulip and Blossom, one cow, two heifers named Pixie and Eileen, four steers named Pokey, Mr. Moose, Curly, and Hop along, and last but not least Vince the bull. Oh yeah and we can't forget all the barn cats.
i have two bunnies, their names are richard and josie, three cats named kordell, angel, and wolfie, four birds named rico, and the other three don't really have names, i just call them the peeps, um, a frog named yushitaka, a dog named candy, and there are too many fish to name them all. i used to have a fish named brandon, but all the water in it's bowl disappeared, and so did the fish, it was a betta. and my other bird named nakey just recently passed away. it was sooooo tragic!!!!!!!!How many pets do you have, and what are their names?
I dont have a pet. But I can tell what I would want for a pet and what I would name them. I would want 2 yorkies. I would name on Dutchess and CoCo...
Hello Kimmy,

I have 2 cats : Chakra and Nemo... funny, it is the name of one of your sister's fish :-)How many pets do you have, and what are their names?
I have two goffins cockatoos named Swift and Boo. Life expectancy is 50-80 years (or "till death do us part").

Swift is a 2 year old female, and is really picking up talking in a good way. Almost all of her phrases include "Boo". Swift is still a baby and sometimes trips and falls.

Boo is a 6 year old pubescent boy-bird, and I've had him practically since he was an egg. I used to sometimes take him to work with me around mentally challenged people = he is exceptionally gentle and outgoing.
My kids has a hamster named Speedy. He is the best hamster I've ever seen, we can let him out and when we call his name he comes running.
1 dog: Rosie

2 hamsters: Chloe and Zoey
I don't have any pets but I would like a cat named FLuffy.
Me and my fiance have one dog. She is a 7 month old Chihuahua named Milano Dolce, meaning sweet Milan. We just call her Milan or Millie though. She is the cutest puppy in the world and runs both of our lives. =) I guess pets have a way of doing that though...
1 cockatail... no name

1 tortoise- Zipper, call it zap for short

1 betta fish- no name

3 dogs- Nisha, Buddy, Buster
I have a border collie/beagle/husky mix named Chappy and 4 fish with no names.
5 Dogs






All small dogs
one dog her name is Harley-D
Hello there,

I have 1 Siamese Cat and her name is Shadow,her favourite food in the Biscuit Variety is called Canin! and they are specially formulateed biscuit's so that she can pick them up to eat them,they are molded for their teeth and have all the natural ingredient's she need's for a healthy body etc,other than that she like's Greensea's Tuna in Spring Water,this is good for her coat and keep's it shiny and also stop's Hairball's,last and not least she has her "gourmet"Cat Food and Whiska's as well,she also like's Whiska's (no Lactose)Milk,she like's to play with the Hedgehog i have on a string with a pole attached,we play Hedgehog as i say as much as we can as she is lively and fun to play with and watch,she also like's to watch TV,i named her Shadow as she follow's me everywhere even too the

Bathroom/Toilet and sometime's when i am sitting there she will jump in my pant's hahahahaha! the 1st time she did that was hella'funny well anyway she is my fav'she is a Chocolate Point Siamese!

ok well i have to book so i hope ya'all have a good one!

from Chrystal :)
Sassafras female cat, T.C stands for the cat, calvin is a female cat to. The turtle is called turtle (4 year old named him what could I do) Vixson is my doberman, and a few other dobes
Libby Ann a designer dog I found at the humane society and Chas the big fat kitty cat.
4..a Chow (dog) named Satan

a cat named Millie

a cat named P ssy

a cat named Willow
2 dogs- loni and jade

4 cockatiels- pierre,turk,joey and nona

7 parakeets- lemon,blueberry,larry,lilo,stitch,bird and that bird

4 finches- no names

2 lovebirds- joegirl and rosieboy
1 dog:Tobey and 1 hamster : bubble
I don't have any.

Fat Cat-Henry the Ham
we have 2 dogs Bertie and Scamp, and a tank full of tropical fish which do not have names except the plec who is called Baby.
1 rott - Joe

1 pom. - Peanut

6 horses - Country



Big Ben


I have 5 siberian huskies + one of em had 7 babies and we have four left, also I have a cat and two rats.

dog 1. Precious

dog 2. Bj(the father)

dog 3. Bailey( the mom)

dog 4. Sobaka russian for wolf (5 months old precious and Bj's daughter

dog.5 Herbs (4 months old)

puppy 1. Snow Angel

puppy 2. Blizz

puppy 3. Maya

puppy 4. demetria

cat 1. snozae

rat 1. Beni

rat2. snickers
3 dog 2 ***** and 1 cat. my dogs name are Max, Harley and Jacko the *****'s are fudge and velvet and the cat is Muppet
i have two cats and their names are Fat Albert and Louie Loo, they are two males and are the STUPIDEST cats on the face of the earth!!!!!!!!!! but i still love them to death!!!!!
3 dogs,4 cats,a wild kestrel(bird of prey)


Kaiser -GSD(pure bred german shepherd dog)

Tora - american pitbull/staffordshire bull terrier x rhodesian ridgeback

Tequila - neo mastiff/rottwheiler x ridgeback


Angelius - big fluffy blue cat(looks like a russian blue only long haired)

Storm 4mths old pitch black kitten

Rogue jet black russian blue

wild Kestrel i call blade

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