Thursday, February 16, 2012

HABBO: how do you transfer pets and trax machines from account to account? like is there a cheat or something?

i really want to keep all my stuff including trax and pets (i have 5 pets....) so whats a cheat or something i can do to be able to keep them pleasssseee thanks.HABBO: how do you transfer pets and trax machines from account to account? like is there a cheat or something?You can't. Pets and trax machines cannot be traded or dropped into others rooms.HABBO: how do you transfer pets and trax machines from account to account? like is there a cheat or something?Pets and Trax Machines cannot be traded, therefor there are no cheats to make it possible. I suggest you just keep the account and transfer the account furniture from the other, or buy another trax machine.

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