Monday, January 30, 2012

Why are certain animals illegal to have as pets in California?

I was looking through good pets to get, and since in California I've noticed a few that aren't allowed here when they are in the majority of states. Sugar gliders, hedgehogs, ferrets...can somebody give me a list of all the animals that are illegal in California but legal in other states and a reason why?Why are certain animals illegal to have as pets in California?There are a lot of animals that are not allowed in California because of the following reasons:

1. Rare or endangered in California

2. Will kill off other populations

3. Will not thrive here

4. Are not safe.

Go to my source site for a more complete list.Why are certain animals illegal to have as pets in California?Great link Lillix Fair KH/FF

I think the most important reason is that these animals - if they escape and breed in the wild - they will displace native populations of animals, birds, squirrels, etc.

There are too many tales of non-natives species taking over the habitat of native animals. Hedgehogs (egg eaters) have decimated many bird species in the English Channel Islands. The Cane Toad in Florida is poisonous to pets (dogs) and is pushing out native fish/frog species. etc. Then those native animals may actually go extinct because they can not compete successfully. So - some animals are banned for a very good reason!!Why are certain animals illegal to have as pets in California?Because the governmant thinks that they will get out of the cage, and kill all the small wildlife, and breed like crazy. But they dont understand tht ferrets are fixed befire sold from breeders.

Cali is stupid.

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