Friday, January 27, 2012

How often do you wash your pets' food and water bowls?

This is purely for curiosity's sake. I was messing around on the Internet and read that you should wash your dog's food bowl every day...And I SO don't do that. So now I'm curious as to how often other people wash their pets' bowls.How often do you wash your pets' food and water bowls?Wow, not near as much as everyone else. Never really thought about it. We do rinse his water bowl out every time we fill it, but he eats dry dog food, so not much. I will think about it more now thanks to you! And my dog thanks you too! :)How often do you wash your pets' food and water bowls?
Twice daily.How often do you wash your pets' food and water bowls?3 times daily. breakfast, lunch, and dinnerHow often do you wash your pets' food and water bowls?
Wash with cool water, NO soap. You wash your own dishes on a daily basis, you must do the same for your dog.How often do you wash your pets' food and water bowls?I have a dog and I wash his bowls every time they are dirty
once as there on a dry food, but if it were tins after they finish each meal, water gets rinsed at night as i can not leave it down. and they both get boil washed once a week.How often do you wash your pets' food and water bowls?
I wash the dog's food dish daily, and their water dish a couple of times a day. I wouldn't want to eat or drink out of anything that wasn't washed daily, why should they?
twice dailyHow often do you wash your pets' food and water bowls?
I give my bunnies food twice a day and wash their bowls each time... The water bowl is also rinsed out twice a day...
i usually like never clean the food bowl but pretty much ever time i fill the water bowl i clean it
I wash there food and water bowls once a week!
I was my dogs food bowl once a week because he has dry dog food. I rinse his water bowl each time he gets fresh water, and wash it with soap once a week.
I rinse their water bowls out with hot water everytime I get them fresh water and then once a week I wash them with some Dawn. As for food dishes, they only eat dry foods, so I usually just wash their food bowls with Dawn and hot water once a week.
every time i refill which is alot
i wash my dogs every evening, then pour boiling water from the kettle in it to kill any germs.

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